Scarack Hives can be found in the sandy plains of The Howling Sands. The Scarack race inhabits these structures which have complex tunnel systems that can reach deep underground!
The Hive!
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Comments (12)
I think a flamethrower might be a good idea right about now..
Ditto. I despise the idea of something as creepy and crawly as a scarak hive. Kill it! Kill it with fire!
over 3 years ago[removed]
Kill the kwebecs with fire......
almost 3 years ago[removed]
It is nice to see that something has been added to the category I started! :)
The scarak hives are going to be creepy to encounter, though I can't wait to try and raid them haha
This is going to be an Amazing place to Adventure and Seize Control of!
This tree reminded me Naruto