They are anthropomorphic sloths That live in the deep in huge underground cave systems of Zone 4 otherwise known as The Devastated Lands. Through a miracle of nature, whole jungles emerge in caves. There they build their shelters and live a very quiet and peaceful life as a hermit.
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Comments (14)
I thought they live in zone 4 underground
They could be, but the images I found they were in a surface of a green forest. Nevertheless they might be in Boreas underground in the final game.
no they are in the underground jungle of zone 4
why is my comment downvoted all i did was correct him lol
Im absolutely certain that they do live in Zone 4, if anyone found them in pictures of other Zones, please post a link.
It is confirmed that they live in the underground caves of the devastated lands. Someone change it to make more sense. I cant figure out how.
Good to know.
Finding one of those underground villages will be so cool
Difficult to see how he looks
about 3 years ago[removed]
Furries will come to zone 4 underground for these "anthropomorphic sloths". Same thing with ferans. This too shall pass.